The best way to get around Venice

Purchase your ticket online
for transfer using our taxis.
It's quick, easy and safe.
Your ticketPurchase a return ticket
to and from the Airport and save 5%

Consorzio Motoscafi Venezia is formed by the leading taxi operators for easy booking of water taxi in Venice featuring the fleet of 100 boats in Venice at its disposal throughout the Lagoon 24 hours a day. All boats are connected to the operations center by a sophisticated GPS system, which enables them to move fast and moderate Venice water taxi rates.
How can I purchase a ticket?
- Choose
your destination - Summary
and cost - Enter
your details - Purchase
your ticket - Print
your booking

24-hour call centre
MON-FRI 9:00-18:00 and SAT 9:00-16:00
+39 041 240 6712 | +39 041 240 6716 | +39 041 240 6746
MON-FRI 18:00-9:00, SAT 16:00-18:00, SUN and holidays
+39 041 522 2303

Purchase a return ticket to and from the airport
save 5%Taxi boats in Venice provide the ideal solution for those who are looking for comfortable and rapid transfers covering all the main accesses to the Lagoon to avoid waiting times. Deep capillarity and enhanced taxi management is one among our core features providing Venice water taxi cost-effectiveness and speed: whatever the itinerary is, our passengers will find a fast, reliable and safe taxi boat. Discover transfer rates and book Venice water taxi now!